It is also too simple to criticize one politician as "bad" to the exclusion of all the others who are either just as bad if not worse.
I never said that. I simply said that Trump was the worst in some of these categories in my lifetime. But he is not magic - he is just a person. And I certainly criticized several other former presidents in my post.
He wasn't as bad as Nixon, I would say. Nixon tried to have fraudulent evidence planted on opponents, have their taxes audited, etc. More than 70 of his people were convicted after Watergate. Trump, to my knowledge, even with Giuliani in Ukraine, never reached that far. If you are curious, look up 'Nixon's White House Horrors'.
My interpretation is that Trump's character is both what made him a moral hazard, while also rendering him somewhat politically impotent. He clearly drew a lot of unpleasant people out of the woodwork - you never saw white supremacists chanting about Bush II, for example, but they definitely felt Trump was their man. And he gave them tacit support, (carefully worded, of course). The male alt-right, with all the creepiness that connotes, overwhelmingly supported Trump because of his sexual politics.
Because of his vanity and thin skin, however, he was unable to make any real political deals that would have advanced his agenda. He basically had one major piece of legislation pass - the big tax cut for the wealthy. But, for example, he couldn't get Obamacare eliminated, again because he alienated enough Republicans with his personality and character. Other than his judicial appointments, basically everything he did was undone within hours of Biden getting into office. Whatever you think of Bush II, he surrounded himself with experienced professionals was able to negotiate with Democrats and get laws passed.
I don't think that anything I have written suggests I look at things in a black/white way. I have never been a big fan of Bill Clinton, for example - his ethics are clearly problematic. Bush II was a decent man, but one who was weak and easily led down the path to a catastrophic war. Obama was also a decent man who made a few mistakes. But whatever his errors, I strongly support legislation that gives more people health care, both for the practical effect and the moral statement it makes.
But Trump was, for me, and for many, in the overlapping Venn diagram of poor character, soft intellect, and the wrong values. That made him a weak president, but also in the position to represent many things that I think of as morally wrong.