Watching China Melt Down


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The top three real estate companies of China are collapsing.
Real estate is one of the few things that the Chinese subjects can invest in.
It's also the main source of funding for the cities and counties of China.
Things look worse and worse... .


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One of China's larger cities was registering children for the new school year.
According to reports, only three kindergartners were registered from the entire city.
How are they going to fill up the three billion homes and apartments at this rate?


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The State of Texas has tried to return some of the hundreds of Chinese illegal immigrants to China.
No can do.
China refuses to accept them.
No deposit, no return... .


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Now it appears that the Chinese government is putting out a bounty on certain American citizens that are saying nasty things about China... .


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The geriatric Chinese leadership, which has been dying off rapidly because of their reliance on transplanted organs and the immunosuppressant drugs that make them easy targets for COVID, have found what they think are a better way to extend their lives.

Butchering babies.

It seems that the immunosuppressant drugs aren't necessary if they take their new kidneys and other organs from newborns and prenatals that haven't developed their immune systems yet.

Of course, the organs taken from a baby may not be able to fully replace an adult organ, but it works better than one that has already failed... .


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Meanwhile, China's carefully crafted viruses are spreading and diversifying - in China.
Their crematoriums are having to kick it up a notch - again.
-And the 57-year-old actress that was touring the country promoting the new inhalable vaccine just died - of the sniffles... .


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The Chinese Government has failed to pay their soldiers, police and many other strata of their employees.
Even their bus drivers haven't been paid for at least six months and are being forced to drive their routes by guards.
-Of course, the guards are getting paid... .


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Chinese school children are being pressured to take an oath that, if they die from any cause, their organs can be used to help those that may need them... .


Well-known member
China's exports are reportedly collapsing.

Current estimates are in excess of ninety percent, some are saying as much as a 99% drop.

This will do terrible things to the economies of the rest of the world, as we have allowed China to produce many of the critical parts of world trade.

Major castings, forgings, structural steel and aluminum stock, wiring harnesses, electric motors, alternators, tires and other components of motor vehicles and heavy equipment.

Bottles, cans, lids, processing equipment, food processing and cooking appliances, refrigeration systems, shelving and marketing equipment.

Domestic appliances of all sorts.

Drugs, medical devices and supplies.

The lists go on and on.

Little of this has been produced recently in most western countries. In fact, there have been a number of laws, rules and regulations imposed that make it difficult, illegal or uneconomical to make these products anywhere but in China.

Odd how much Chinese money has somehow made it into the pockets of western politicians and bureaucrats.

Anyway, now we have to figure out how to maintain our way of life without having access to the products of China.

Tighten your belts, folks. It's going to be a rough ride.
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A large number of dams failed or were opened in the middle of the night during one of the recent powerful storms in China.
Many villages and small towns were flooded to their second or third floors.
Some thirty thousand people are missing.
You'd think that that might make headlines... somewhere.


Well-known member
Xi has declared it to be illegal for entire families to have no employed members.
Meanwhile, it is common practice for employers to fire anyone over the age of 35...