Five Hundred Million.


Well-known member
The Davos crowd thinks that they need to greatly reduce the population of the planet that they plan to rule.
As one of them said, "The Earth has too many useless eaters".
Their plans vary a bit, but they seem to agree that they need to thin the herd to a maximum of one billion, with some holding out for half of that.
They seem to think that this should be enough servants and slaves to maintain the truly important people in their appropriately luxurious lifestyle, especially after the humanoid robots settle in.

I suspect that COVID and the movement to spay and neuter children are just the first steps... .
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Well-known member
And now we have the Reedley Biolab in California.
When they finally noticed that China had set up an illegal biolab in the US, complete with labelled samples of ebola and other communicable deadly diseases, the CDC immediately destroyed these samples without testing, then condemned the release of the information that this biolab existed.
CDC covers their ass again.
YouTube even censors posts about the lab because no one is allowed to criticize the CDC... .
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Well-known member
Coincidentally, It is now estimated that roughly five hundred million Chinese people have died within China's borders since the beginning of the COVID 19 emergency... .