What About Those New Millionaires!


Well-known member
Between the effects of inflation and a dramatic increase in property prices in the US, there are more American millionaires than ever.
According to the Wall Street Journal, "
Last week the Federal Reserve revealed that last year the average net worth of American families topped $1 million for the first time, surging 42% from $749,000 in 2019.
Of course, that average is skewed by a small number of billionaires and multimillionaires. Inflation meant real wealth didn’t increase as much. And pandemic-era stimulus boosted asset values, perhaps beyond their fundamental values."

Of course, this means that Mr. Biden's oath that those citizens that have or earn less than $400,000.00 won't be harassed by the IRS may not mean too much... .


Well-known member
As I figured.
Now the new, expanded IRS is supposed to start collecting taxes based on the new, expanded value of the holdings of these new millionaires
-if the Biden admin can get these new laws and rules through congress and the courts... .


Well-known member
When I was last in Southern California - over thirty years ago - I met folks that were making low six-figure salaries that were living out of vans.
They said that they wouldn't be able to move up to a better home for at least six months.
I'll bet that there are some new millionaires that find themselves in a similar situation... .


Well-known member
Now Joe and Kamala have reverted to saying that millionaires and billionaires need to start paying their fair share.
Last I heard, the top two percent pay 42% of the taxes... .