The Court Get to Rule on Courts.


Well-known member
Today, the Supreme Court gets to rule on whether or not bureaucracies like the SEC or FISA can create their own courts that have no oversight from outside of their own bureaus.
This could get interesting... .


Well-known member
Apparently according to the Democrats whatever the Supreme Court says is totally irrelevant in "their" democracy.


Well-known member
Yeah, but the Supreme Court's opinions are totally relevant to our Republic.
It's not up to the screaming mobs... .


Well-known member
I think this SCOTUS session is going to go down in history as a defining moment for the Republic, either for good or for bad, however it turns out the other two branches defer to the equal power of the third, or not, as we'll see in the future. Justice Thomas will certainly be remembered as a savior of the Republic, if it survives, and our free descendants get to write its history. Or not, if the slaves of "their" democracy get to write its history.