Mask Police


Here's how you can tell if you're living in a shithole part of the country. If you walk into a store without a mask and random people hassle you, that means the insane left are in control of the culture in your area (and government is downstream from culture). Sell your house and move.

If you walk into a store sans mask and you get a couple dirty looks, then don't worry about it, the insane left don't have enough power for them to feel comfortable getting in your face.

If, like me, you walk into Walmart without a mask on and when people see you, at worst, they look at their feet and occasionally you see another maskless person smile and nod at you ... you live where the insane left are so far out of power that you're probably going to be safe :)

This is why I'm probably never going to get to snap back at a mask nazi with a clever retort :)


Well-known member
Here in Wisconsin the mask mandate has been on ongoing battle between the Governor and the Legislature and the Courts. The Legislature killed the mandate and then the Governor issued a new one and that's currently on appeal. It's a situation where it's questionable whether the mandate is legally enforceable. Therefore some businesses enforce it on their own terms and some don't. After a while a person gets to learn which businesses allow customers to shop maskless and which don't. So here the shopper can choose to direct their expenditures to those businesses that have mask enforcement they can agree with. There's still a sign on the door, of course. So, I don't argue with a store manager or employee that personally asks me to wear a mask. I just turn around and leave the store and spend my money elsewhere. I don't make any trouble for masks-only stores, and stores that don't make any maskless trouble for me get my business. Bizarre situation, but I suppose it sort of works. I see that over time more and more businesses and other locations are moving to the model of disregarding mask mandate enforcement.
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