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  1. M

    Anyone catch COVID-19 yet?

    There was a time in my life when I was very fond of Sour Mash, Bourbon, or pretty much anything else that had alcohol in it. After a great deal of trial & tribulation I realized I was allergic to alcohol (I broke out in handcuffs). I have abstained since then.
  2. M

    Anyone catch COVID-19 yet?

    I haven't. I have made it a point to gargle with peroxide every evening since word about this came up. It is what I do if I feel like I'm getting sick. Usually stops things before they get started. One of my wife's church lady friends was diagnosed yesterday though. She had been isolating...
  3. M

    Worst President

    I would agree Lincoln was the worst. FDR, Woodrow Wilson & LBJ all contributed to our current mess. Obama is the worst I have witnessed in my adult life. I never liked that guy.
  4. M

    What does your sceen name mean?

    My name & the first initial of my last name.