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  1. str8_forward

    Joe Biden: War Leader!

    Luckily the traitorous pieceofshit was reminded by the new speaker of the house that only Congress can declare war.
  2. str8_forward

    Make everyone laugh,Post you memes here.

    by the way, I think this pieceofshit should be slugged with my friend from Louisville................but the Gestapo and SS are still protecting him instead of taking him out and burying the body in a mine shaft
  3. str8_forward

    The USDA wants to inspect your kitchen garden... .

    another domestic terrorist group, time to remind them that they are supposed to work for US, if they do not, time to disband them. We really need someone with big balls in the White House and eliminate at least 50% of all ""agencies"". Ask yourself. what did they EVER do for you or your family...
  4. str8_forward

    Make everyone laugh,Post you memes here.

    don't take all of them, I want to have some fun too!
  5. str8_forward

    Make everyone laugh,Post you memes here.

    Don't think the russian are taking any shit from the gender-confused, LOL:
  6. str8_forward

    Make everyone laugh,Post you memes here.

    actually this is not funny, but depressinglu sad to get fucked by this traitor, but where else could I post this.