Recent content by Spats McGee

  1. Spats McGee

    I'm an outlaw ?

    I don't know where you live or what that attorney's basis was for advising you to get rid of guns. That said, I'd get rid of the attorney and find a new one.
  2. Spats McGee

    surrounded by idiots

    There's never a shortage of idiots to go around. We had a Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card case around here recently. Fortunately, the suspect was kind enough to use his own rewards membership when he paid with someone else's card.
  3. Spats McGee

    SCOTUS replacement for RBG

    Sadly, that is no longer possible. The Democrats simply will not accept any nominee put forward by a Republican president, and vice versa. Trump could appoint Joe Biden himself and they'd immediately turn on him. (OK. That's partially in jest.)
  4. Spats McGee

    The Two Party Picnic

    This has been my problem with the two major parties for several decades now. They have effectively 'carved up the political pie' into 2 pieces and no other party has any reasonable chance of getting a slice. Unfortunately, that forces a lot of groups to choose one or the other, even if they...
  5. Spats McGee

    Censorship by the Left

    Yes, doc. The left is frighteningly rigid in its apparent belief that there is only one acceptable set of values and that you must either believe in the whole set wholeheartedly or not at all.
  6. Spats McGee

    Gun bans, loopholes, and other such things

    FBI Uniform Crime Reporting
  7. Spats McGee

    What does your sceen name mean?

    Nothing, really. I was a screen name that I took years ago when I regularly visited The Fedora Lounge. It sounded kind of 1920s mob-like, which I associate with fedoras. Then I just kept it as I joined new forums.
  8. Spats McGee

    The attack on masculinity

    Men & boys have been under attack for decades now. I remember reading an article in the mid to late 1990s (which I could not find now if my life depended on it) that said that school age boys were diagnosed with ADD and ADHD at 4x the rate of girls. What that tells me is that "being a boy" is...
  9. Spats McGee

    Patriot Act II Domestic Terrorism

    I graduated law school in 2002, and there was a lot of talk about the Patriot Act as it was rammed through. The general consensus was "oh, crap."
  10. Spats McGee

    The End of Epstein

    And I think Jeff's question ("who took him off suicide watch and why?") is an excellent question.
  11. Spats McGee

    Leftist attack on Supreme Court

    That's one of the snottier briefs I've ever read.
  12. Spats McGee

    Welcome, THR folks!

    Glad to be here!