Recent content by Sistema1927

  1. Sistema1927

    More Good News!

    My Dad is 87 now, and is one of the youngest people I know. Hopefully he won't plan on quitting anytime soon either.
  2. Sistema1927

    The corruption and hypocracy are blowing my mind

    And don't forget that the the whole Steele Russia dossier was fabricated to allow the farcical Russian "collusion" circus. This is just more of the same since that didn't work. This is nothing short of a coup d'etat. Hopefully this whole stinking mess will blow up in the Democrats faces. Could...
  3. Sistema1927

    Gun bans, loopholes, and other such things

    Incrementalism. They are going to continue chipping away, at any perceived weak spot, until they obtain their goal of total civilian disarmament. Saturday Night Specials, Assault Weapons, Sniper Rifles, Weapons of War, etc. Give it a label, make people afraid, and proceed.
  4. Sistema1927

    The American Political Divide: What is it?

    Light vs. darkness, good vs. evil: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! - Isaiah 5:20 (ESV) This truly is a battle for the soul of the...
  5. Sistema1927


    Let the House impeach him. It won't go anywhere in the Senate, and the base as well as most thinking Americans will revolt come November 2020 and demolish whoever the Dems nominate. Remember how the short sighted House impeachment of Bill Clinton gave the House back to the Dems?
  6. Sistema1927


    Sometimes nothing getting done is a plus for the rest of us. We ought to be thankful that we aren't getting all of the government that we are paying for.
  7. Sistema1927


    I am going to go out on a limb here, and predict that the Ukraine/Impeachment circus is going to blow up big time against Joe Biden. Trump will walk away victorious, and old Uncle Joe is going to look very, very bad. Unfortunately, this only helps Elizabeth Warren even more. Sigh.
  8. Sistema1927

    Worst President

    In my lifetime: Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama are tied.
  9. Sistema1927

    Welcome, THR folks!

    We can discuss politics? We can discuss politics!
  10. Sistema1927

    Twitter Suspends Entire Leadership Team of Latinos for Trump

    They met at a local winery for a meeting after President Trump's visit to NM, the the former Demo Lt. Governor then called for a boycott of the winery. Despicable.
  11. Sistema1927

    What does your sceen name mean?

    Argentine copy of the 1911A1.