Recent content by SharpDog

  1. SharpDog

    Make everyone laugh,Post you memes here.
  2. SharpDog

    The American Political Divide: What is it?

    Yes and it's only getting worse. I know that, for myself, every time I hear another lie from the other side I get harder and more combative. I'm in my 21st year of hearing such things. The lies get worse, the under-handed tactics get worse and that just means I need to fight harder. I don't...
  3. SharpDog

    Is Biden Done?

    As far as the 'whistleblower complaint' ... it's not going anywhere. A Ukrainian official just debunked the quid-pro-quo part. The prez has wide leeway on foreign policy and the whistleblower statute doesn't apply to the prez anyways. More MSM smoke up our butts.
  4. SharpDog

    Is Biden Done?

    I can't see Biden as the nominee. Possibly Warren, Steyer or someone that is not in the running yet like Bloomberg. Remember, it's the Dems so the voters don't really count. It will be a brokered convention.
  5. SharpDog

    What does your sceen name mean?

    I'm a martial artist and weapons student from way back and also a software engineer so the 'Sharp' is a double entendre, Dog, well, I love dogs (and pretty much act like one)
  6. SharpDog

    Welcome, THR folks!
